Monday, May 30, 2016

The Non-Perfect Beekeeper

Here I am coming up on my one year beekeeping anniversary. This is a hobby that constantly occupies my brain. Planning, scheduling, what ifs, and sharing information about the amazing honey bee. Constantly seeking out knowledge, working hard to ensure the bees are safe, and a healthy amount of worry that everything is okay in my hives. Afterall they are thousands of bees, dependent on each other, that I'm trying to support. One poor decision could endanger the entire hive. Maybe not the best hobby choice for a worrier!

The lesson I've learned over and over is.....if it can go wrong it will, if it can break it will, or if the least possible scenario can come to fruition it will! I'll make mistakes, I'll learn from them, and I'll work fast to correct them.

The other lesson I learn each time I check the hives, watch activity outside the hives, or read about bees is this is an amazing learning opportunity that will provide knowledge for decades!

I'm late combining my hobby with a blog, so I'll spend the next couple weeks catching up with what's happened since I got my first bees June 20, 2015. Then a celebration of my first year as a beekeeper.

I'll mention I'm an accountant, and as such I enjoy numbers. I'm terrible with grammar. This blog is to share the information I've gathered, provide a few good laughs at some of the craziness I've experienced and caused, and to have fun. Grammar police do not point out my lack of appropriate punctuation and poor wording. I will train my bees to not pollinate your plants if you do. If you are a repeat offender there will be no honey for you!

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